Devlog 29: Six Frames per Second

As the title implies, that's the framerate of most animations in the game. Coupled with the decisively low resolution and limited color palette might lead one to believe any sort of eye candy is pointless past a certain point. Not to mention fluid animations clash with the aesthetic more than a little bit.

 Nevertheless, this update is about combat animations.

Combat in the game is represented through half second animations. These are only this short to begin with because, in my own experience, I always end up disabling them after a certain point in turn based games. Even when they are insanely flashy and/or have great music like in Super Robot Wars, Medabots, Fire Emblem, etc.  

For the longest time combat animations have used the default sprites for everything, but some time ago I noticed that a short 2 frame attack animation adds a lot of character to them. 

This is why now pretty much every attack animation for the 72 units in the game comes with new sprites. These aren't that difficult to make and add a lot of character to each unit in my opinion. Even Mosca gets one even though only a madman would use her basic attack instead of her powerful magic.

I would like to implement an achievement for defeating a boss with one of her basic attacks. Now that's a reason to get the game on Steam, imagine the dopamine.

Besides the new animations, I have continued to work on proofreading and such. It would be great to have the localized version ready next time I post, but that's easier said than done. 

Anyway, that is all I had to write about this time. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you again in 2 weeks, hypothetical reader.

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you say that, but the mosca slap carried me though many a challenges


6 damage ain't no joke.